As a 80’s baby, 90’s kid and 2000’s teen I have lived through nuclear disasters, the original neon colours fashion, boys bands overload and economic doom. You’d think I’d be wise enough not to ask “What could possibly be worse?” in this year 2020! Well, obviously a global pandemic could do the trick.
These times feel especially daunting as our species is only starting to acknowledge the climate crisis we’re responsible for. And on top of that, people in charge would rather question the existence of systemic racism and sexism than take steps against those.
Luckily, a global BlackLivesMatter movement has sprouted (again) in a soil of pandemic management discontent and excessive police violence (plus centuries of inequalities, of course).
Humans might go down trying to reduce pollution and the spread of deadly diseases while convincing our governments to prioritise us over the Economy. And we’ll do so while pushing for systems based on fairness.
This means bracing ourselves for a lifetime of (self) education, fighting injustice, sharing marginalised voices and creating more (virtual/physical) inclusive spaces.